Dear Friends,

I can’t believe it’s almost March! In Southern California where I live, we’re still waking up to frosty mornings and experiencing a larger-than-usual amount of soggy days. For the rest of the country, blustery weather shows no signs of slowing down. Yet, there’s something about the end of February and the beginning of March that always makes me feel hopeful about spring. I’ve always marked my time by the seasons and this year, I’m just so ready to usher in warmer, sunnier weather. I’m also eager to start some spring cleaning and other projects around the outside of our home. How about you?

Whether you’re happy where you are or are considering selling your home in spring, here are some curb appeal, staging and maintenance tips to get (or keep) your space in tip-top shape. 


Sabra Morris, Editor

17 Ways to Get Instant Curb Appeal for Less Than $100

Courtesy of DIY Network


15 Gorgeous Window Box Ideas

From The Spruce


Could 2019 Be a Buyer’s Market?



Staging to Stay or Sell in Spring

10 Ideas from HGTV


More From Around the Web


9 Tips for Making Escrow Less Stressful

The Best-Reviewed Lawn Mowers to Buy This Year

How to Protect Your Home From Rainwater Damage

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